Hey Babes!!!! March is one of our favorite months! WHY? BECAUSE WE GET TO CELEBRATE WOMEN!!!!

As we embark on a journey of celebration and reflection—a time to honor the remarkable contributions, resilience, and achievements of women around the world. International Women's Month is not just a commemoration; it's a rallying call for progress, empowerment, and gender equality. Here's why this month is significant and how we can all participate in celebrating it:

  1. Recognizing Achievements: International Women's Month provides a platform to celebrate the extraordinary accomplishments of women in various fields, from science and technology to politics, arts, sports, and beyond. It's an opportunity to spotlight their achievements, breakthroughs, and milestones, inspiring future generations and fostering a culture of recognition and appreciation.

  2. Empowering Voices: This month serves as a catalyst for amplifying women's voices, stories, and experiences. It's a time to listen, learn, and elevate narratives that have been historically marginalized or silenced. By creating spaces for dialogue and empowerment, we empower women to share their truths, advocate for their rights, and drive positive change in their communities and beyond.

  3. Fostering Solidarity: International Women's Month unites people worldwide in solidarity and support for gender equality and women's rights. It's a moment to stand together, acknowledge shared struggles and triumphs, and reaffirm our commitment to dismantling barriers and biases that hinder women's progress. Solidarity strengthens movements and creates a collective force for social justice and equality.

  4. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of International Women's Month. It's about recognizing and celebrating the diversity of women's experiences, identities, and backgrounds. By embracing intersectionality—the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, gender, and ethnicity—we ensure that all women are seen, heard, and valued in the fight for equality.

  5. Advocating for Change: While we celebrate progress, International Women's Month also serves as a reminder of the work that lies ahead. It's a call to action to address persistent inequalities, discrimination, and injustices that continue to affect women worldwide. By advocating for policy reforms, challenging societal norms, and supporting grassroots initiatives, we strive to create a more equitable and inclusive world for all.

How can you participate in celebrating International Women's Month? Here are a few ideas:

  • Attend events and discussions focused on women's issues and empowerment.

  • Support women-owned businesses and organizations.

  • Educate yourself and others about gender equality and women's rights.

  • Advocate for policies that promote gender parity and diversity.

  • Engage in acts of solidarity and allyship with women from diverse backgrounds.

  • Amplify women's voices and stories on social media and other platforms.

In conclusion, International Women's Month is a time of reflection, celebration, and action. It's a reminder of the remarkable achievements of women throughout history and a call to continue striving for a more just, equal, and inclusive world. Together, let's celebrate the resilience, strength, and diversity of women everywhere and work towards a future where every woman and girl can thrive and fulfill her potential.

BABE FEATURE: Allyson's Experience


Hot off the presses!!! We are so excited to launch our first babe feature of the year! We have a lot of features to share this year and can’t wait to share their stories and journeys with you!

Kicking us off is a lovely Norman bride we met at the OKBRIDE BRIDAL SHOW

1. What inspired you to do a shoot?

I have followed the Instagram for along time now and wanted to feel that beautiful!

2. Why did you choose Adoralee?

I met Ashley at the 2021 Bridal Show in OKC and she was SO kind and welcoming!

3. Were you nervous and why?

I have lost track at how many lingerie outfits I have bought over the years, I have thrown out every one of them because of how I felt looking in the mirror in them. I wanted so badly to feel beautiful, especially wearing lingerie. I almost canceled this session because I was so nervous. I am SO SO thankful I didn’t. I’ve never felt more beautiful.

4. What was the best part about your experience?

How truly kind and comfortable Ashley was towards me, she made the environment so easy to be in.

5. What would you say to someone considering a boudoir shoot?

DO IT! Not for anyone else, but for you. you deserve to feel the way I did during that shoot and the pure excitement I felt while looking at the photos.

6. How did it impact how you view yourself.

I have never felt this beautiful.

2024 is Here!!! January came in with a bang


Whew… January was one heck of a year, am I right? The new year has kept us busy! Personally and in Business!!! We have been navigating a new normal and excited to be working Tulsa back onto the schedule this month as we have missed our time there.. We are all moved in and set up in our NEW Tulsa location!!! Here’s our first official update for 2024.This year we have some fun things planned and being worked on

  1. WE'RE HOSTING A GATHERING OR TWO- This year we are focusing on connection with our audience and team. We want to dive deep into a couple events we have planned and gatherings this year. Be on the lookout for some fun!

  2. VALENTINE'S MINI? WHERE ARE THEY? YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THEM YET BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN BOOKED WITH FULL COLLECTIONS! We had a full mini plan lined out and ready to go, but we have been booked solid with full collection booking that has limited our ability to shoot minis. MINI'S will be LIMITED this year.

  3. February will be the last month for our current pricing: We have a few changes to our package pricing as well as our a la carte pricing that will kick-in starting in March. Sessions booked before March 1st will be grandfathered into current rates!

  4. Currently surviving 2024 with: a steady stream of caffeine, coffee in the morning, Alani Nu in the afternoon, The most amazing under eye gels , podcasts, social media breaks and days at the Studio with all the babes!!!

Interested in booking your session? Give our team a call 405-630-9797 OR shoot us an email INFO@ADORALEE.COM