"My sister did a session and it inspired me"

We have been so blessed to be able to do what we do for a living. We meet the most wonderful woman. This is Miss A first session with us. We have shot some of her sister’s before and she was inspired by their shoots to come and see us. It’s an honor to not only have a client book a first session but when we can inspire through a friend or another amazing woman in their family to book a session it’s the ultimate compliment! Miss A has the sweetest heart and soul and she is drop dead gorgeous. Here are a few images from her session she allowed us to share. That body suit from Victoria Secret is to die for!


“I was nervous just because I was in lingerie in front of someone who I wasn’t intimate with. I feel like it would be nerve wracking for any normal person who wasn’t used to that.”


“The best part was how beautiful the team at Adoralee made me feel. I’ve worn makeup before and looked nice. But with the posing and everything it was taken to a whole other level. Also, having a photographer  be my hype man throughout the whole shoot was pretty cool too!”


I would say to anyone questioning doing a boudoir session with Adoralee to go for it! It boosted my confidence and made me feel the sexiest I’ve ever felt.

It made me feel so good about myself. Every time the photographer showed me one of the shots she got I just couldn’t believe that was actually me. I’ve never felt sexier!

Just a little reminder

“Comparison is the thief of joy”- Theodore Roosevelt

We think a big part of that is paying attention to what goes on in our thought process throughout the day, and unfortunately for most of us comparison is a big one. Whether it’s comparing physical appearance, smarts, wealth, personalities, activities, the list can go on and on. We don’t want to do it, and we certainly don’t mean to do it, but ……we do. We wan to encourage you to try to recognize those thoughts when they pop up, take them captive, and toss them out of your brain, realize it’s only  holding your back from joy and self acceptance. Everyday woman tell us that they want to book a photo shoot, but they want to hit the gym first so they can look as hot as all the women on our galleries, and our photo shoots are just not about that. They are about looking like you, and celebrating YOU. When you walk into our studio it’s totally affirming yourself, saying “dammit I love myself, I am grateful for the body I do have and I am going to give myself some serious positive affirmation today!!!!”

You are all beautiful no matter what! There is not another you in this world.

Last minute gift

Just got an email this morning from a sweet mom asking if she could purchase a upgrade for her daughter’s upcoming session.

She wanted to see if we could email her a gift certificate so that she could surprise her daughter with a cool gift.  So sweet!  Of course we said yes… in fact, we loved this idea so much that we decided to throw it up here for the rest of you. Give the gift of ADORALEE for the perfect stocking stuffer, gift under the tree or Christmas party gift!

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